
Erin Lanahan Method

If you want to change your life in BIG ways, and QUICK, you need a daily practice and regular reminders to THINK BIG and shift your focus QUICK. These emails will support you, uplift you, encourage you, teach you, and remind you. These love letters from my SOUL to yours will keep you on track to achieving your DREAMS and fulfilling your HIGHEST, MOST ABUNDANT LIFE.

A Love Note from Erin

This is the number one, hands down, most powerful tool in my life that has helped me overcome every obstacle and challenge and turned my impossible goals into possible goals.FAITH.What bubbles up around this word, this topic, this conversation for you?This can bring up A LOT for people.Faith gets us thinking about GOD and many still resist this word, this concept, this possibility that GOD is alive and well and available to us all. There is so much misunderstanding, confusion, and hurt around...

A Love Note from Erin

There are many things we would choose if we felt like we could, but because we fear rejection, we play small and choose small. Every time I allow myself to make a choice that seemingly steps outside the scope of how others (or how I) “see me” - it’s edgy. It’s edgy because it (initially) rocks the very foundation of things. But it’s also a reminder that none of us fit into a box, and if you currently do, you’re likely watering yourself down, which means watering down the significant role you...

A Love Note from Erin

Little reminder... Never forget THE POWER of your pure, burning desire. Your passion fueled vision is possible because of the electric energy that pursues it. Failure is part of the success journey. But do not let it put your fire out. Failure IS NOT part of SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS. Success consciousness knows the power of a burning desire + a mind that does not flirt with failure as a final answer. Everything can be used for a win. Everything can be used to add value. Everything can be used...

A Love Note from Erin

If we don’t SHOW UP - we can’t improve our health, increase the intimacy in our relationships, OR MOVE FORWARD IN BUSINESS…How often do we have a really good idea - THAT NEVER SEES THE LIGHT OF DAY, because we told ourselves “we’re not ready yet, we don’t know enough, it feels to messy, what if it tanks?”How many times have we shut down in our relationships, withdrawn love, and pushed down our feelings because we don’t feel good enough, worthy enough, ready or secure enough to get...

A Love Note from Erin

Let's talk about how... THIS ISN'T THAT AND HOW YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE (in a way) BUT YOU'RE DIFFERENT THIS TIME Yes - IT IS TRUE that we circle back to the things we have yet to resolve and heal, over and over, until they're resolved and healed. Until we get the message. Until we understand the lesson. And if we don't do the inner work, the cycle will continue. However, knowing you and knowing that you've already done a considerable amount of inner work, I want to remind you of something....

A Love Note from Erin

Let's talk about boundaries... Last week I was sick with the flu and it got me really reflecting on where I tend to step out of energetic intergrity with regard to my personal boundaries. In other words, let's tune in to ourselves more deeply this week so we can be aware of those moments when we might be: pushing through when we need a nap saying yes to something that should be a NO allowing someone (even if it's a loved one) to take from us when we don't have anything to give when we have...

A Love Note from Erin

These HARD things we face… As shitty, sticky, sucky, edgy, muddy, messy, and painful as they might feel in the thick of the moment… They are an invitation. To up your thinking game. To redesign your mental images. To renovate your boundaries. To take radical responsibility for a better quality of health, relationship, income, life. Thank the current results your getting for letting you know NOW rather than later, that there’s some work we can be doing on coming back into harmony and balance...

A Love Note from Erin

We all need COMPASSION. You need it... I need it... That stranger in the grocery line with you needs it. Every human you cross paths with, needs it. Life can be REALLY hard sometimes. That is part of the deal. So, let's take a nice, deep breath. Let's pause and just have a moment of silence for our fellow humans who are just doing their best. May you, may they, be blessed with miracles, answers, solutions, healings, abundance, well-being, joy, and beyond. Because you know why... Because we...

A Love Note from Erin

Just because IT FEELS HARD doesn't mean you're not making progress. Just because IT LOOKS LIKE THINGS AREN'T WORKING OUT, doesn't mean they aren't. Every success journey has obstacles and challenges. This is NORMAL. Keep your eye focused on where you're going... Keep the vision ALIVE in your cells... And just keep moving forward - even if it feels like trudging through mud sometimes. You CANNOT, WILL NOT fail if you don't give up ;-) Big LOVE and a Billion Hugs, Erin XOXOXO P.S. Join me in...

A Love Note from Erin

Success is an I CAN state of mind. The minute we bring focus and energy to I CAN, we activate power within us that sends us into and upward spiral of becoming. Wherever we practice an I CAN'T state of mind we will experience lifeless, stagnation and feelings being "stuck." The motivation that drives I CAN is success, faith, life, aliveness, growth, expansion, and increase. When we use these simple but powerful words, I CAN, we affirm all that is good and possible. Let us take inventory of our...

If you want to change your life in BIG ways, and QUICK, you need a daily practice and regular reminders to THINK BIG and shift your focus QUICK. These emails will support you, uplift you, encourage you, teach you, and remind you. These love letters from my SOUL to yours will keep you on track to achieving your DREAMS and fulfilling your HIGHEST, MOST ABUNDANT LIFE.