
Erin Lanahan Method

A Love Note from Erin

If we don’t SHOW UP - we can’t improve our health, increase the intimacy in our relationships, OR MOVE FORWARD IN BUSINESS…

How often do we have a really good idea - THAT NEVER SEES THE LIGHT OF DAY, because we told ourselves “we’re not ready yet, we don’t know enough, it feels to messy, what if it tanks?”

How many times have we shut down in our relationships, withdrawn love, and pushed down our feelings because we don’t feel good enough, worthy enough, ready or secure enough to get vulnerable?”

How many promises have we made to ourselves to get healthier, fitter, stronger, and more disciplined - only to get nowhere because “we don’t know where to start, or we don’t actually believe we’d be able to achieve positive results?”

Lies and distractions is all that is above.

Yes there’s such a thing as timing and readiness and confidence but they don’t come by waiting. They come by taking action.

It chips away at our souls and our confidence and our sanity to sit back day after day and do NOTHING in support of our dreams and goals.

So if I have to keep showing up online while I do my morning walk, hat, no makeup, huffing and puffing - then that’s what I’ll do.

The message is THE MESSAGE.

Progress is PROGRESS.

And Success looks messy at times. And we have to accept this and let this be ok.


Hit REPLY and let me know ;-)

Big LOVE and a Billion Hugs,



P.S. Join me in Costa Rica 2024! This will be a yoga retreats of a lifetime, designed to reconnect you with your optimal health, expand your capacity for wealth, and elevate your most cherished relationships ;-)

P.S.S. Using energy work, I teach spiritual entrepreneurs how to become a MAGNET for greater wealth, health, and love - so they can step into their rightful leadership roles and create the time, money, and emotional freedom they need to have consistent purpose-filled impact.

I'm an Intuitive Leadership Coach, Movement Mentor, and Spiritual Teacher. Your thoughts, energy, and focus create your life. If you're looking to increase the success in your career, love life, and/or health, it all begins with how you use your MIND, ENERGY, and FOCUS. Let me show you HOW to master the art of living ;-) Book your session here to find out more about how I can help you bust out of the matrix and MOVE MOUNTAINS in your health, wealth, and love life.

Erin Lanahan Method

If you want to change your life in BIG ways, and QUICK, you need a daily practice and regular reminders to THINK BIG and shift your focus QUICK. These emails will support you, uplift you, encourage you, teach you, and remind you. These love letters from my SOUL to yours will keep you on track to achieving your DREAMS and fulfilling your HIGHEST, MOST ABUNDANT LIFE.

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